Curriculum Goals
Communication and Language
Communication and Language
- Experience a language rich environment
- Take part in back-and-forth interactions with adults and peers throughout the day.
- Engage actively with frequent story telling.
- Encouraged to share ideas.
- Experience strong, warm, and supportive relationships with adults.
- Manage emotions and develop a positive sense of self.
- Learn how to look after their bodies.
- Pursue happy, healthy, and active lives.
- Play both indoors and outdoors.
- Explore and play with rich and varied resources and develop proficiency, control, and confidence.
- Develop a lifelong love of reading.
- Acquire language comprehension through talking and sharing books with adults.
- Communicate using meaningful marks.
- Develop a deep understanding of numbers 0-10.
- Frequent opportunities to develop special reasoning.
- Have a positive attitudes and interests in Mathematics.
- Make sense of their physical world and their community.
- Foster an understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically, and ecologically diverse world.
- Enrich and widen vocabulary.
- Foster imagination and creativity.
- Active engagement with the arts
- Interpret and appreciate what they hear, respond to, and observe.